Bridal Bouquet
    Bridal BouquetBridal BouquetBridal BouquetBridal BouquetBridal BouquetBridal BouquetBridal BouquetBridal BouquetBridal BouquetBridal Bouquet

Bridal Bouquet


  • $ 64.20

Bridal Bouquet

Excellent condition. Absolutely gorgeous. You can also change the color of the hanging down satin ribbons if you wish to match your colors. The satin rose color is white.
This is a bouquet that was handmade by a professional here in the USA for me, locally, and not the tiny less expensive, lesser quality ones you see for sale on Amazon. This is quite heavy and substantial. Must see in person to truly appreciate. Bridal BouquetBridal BouquetBridal BouquetBridal BouquetBridal BouquetBridal BouquetBridal BouquetBridal BouquetBridal BouquetBridal Bouquet
Bridal BouquetBridal BouquetBridal BouquetBridal BouquetBridal BouquetBridal BouquetBridal BouquetBridal BouquetBridal BouquetBridal Bouquet